Hi guys, I am Prabakaran, Welcome to innovative codes academy, In this video we learn about How to convert image file to pdf file and word file to pdf file in your PC windows 10? Just do it, learn it and teach it, weekly I upload two videos in my channel about some technology or learning tutorials.

How to convert image file to pdf file ?

Step 1- Open the collection of image folder ,Select the Require image.

Step 2- Click on Right click –> Print –> Microsoft Print to PDF

Step 3- One pop up window is open Save that file ‘*.pdf’, Successfully convert image file to pdf file.

How to convert word file to pdf file ?

Step 1- Open the collection of image folder ,Select the Require image.

Step 2- Click on Right click –> Print

Step 3- One pop up window is open Save that file ‘*.pdf’, Successfully convert Word file to pdf file.

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